New Year…Same Jazz

Yup. You got it. The first 31 days of the new year have officially drifted by and like a tumbleweed floating across a dessert road, it may just feel like we are aimlessly floating through life. More of the same. Same old. A continuation of the regular. Like your favorite song on repeat or a jukebox stuck on the same 80s hit, Life can seem like a one note symphony. The hustle and bustle of the everyday grind makes you feel like you are moving at a fast tempo. But when you kick off your shoes , grab the remote and reach for a bag of chips it seems like that one  boring tune…The familiar. New Flash!  Things are moving. Evolving. Shifting. But in the metamorphosis of time,  our vision has become stifled by the massive to-do lists, never ending meetings and the constant need to just relax.  Living in a goal driven society can be hard on the nerves. With the pressures of “needing to do more” rising, take a minute to take a deep breath and reflect on the last 31 days. With the next 334 days on the horizon, let’s change the rhythm of the dizzying cadence of our lives by finding that simple sweet serenade called Happiness.




The power of change


I recently visited a colleague and just received a mini- surprise. A common place had been transformed into a sassy suite. It really got me to thinking on the power of change.

In today’s society, full of innovation and modernism, things are always evolving. This short visit left my mind spinning. How often in life do we encounter common places? Areas of our lives that seem untransformable and stale. We often don’t see how change and improvement can be facilitated so we just live in the mundane, oblivious to what lies on the horizon. The possibilities. I realized that a little elbow grease can really get things moving. And that power and influence work hand in hand to making the impossible possible. Simply put, all things are possible. Especially for those who have to gull to make it happen and the faith to see it through.



THE PAIN OF BEING HUMAN I have officially stopped trying to figure myself out. And I too encourage others to cease trying to figure me out. It’s like a Chinese puzzle, you’ll just never get it. We aim to be good Christians and devoted friends but we all are plagued with one common illness. The disease of being Human. Sinful nature, tainted motives and imperfect dispositions. I don’t generally consider myself a “good” person as I struggle daily to be the person Christ has called me to be. Contrary to popular belief I am human. Never judge a person by their works or even what they say. It’s all filthy rags. As I contemplate the year to come, I will take a personal vow to get back to the basics. Social media and the pressures of anonymous peer reviews has left me dazed and dismal. Grace and mercy has taken on a whole new meaning to me as I find that my recent behaviors need to be double dipped in The Blood. Yet the show must go on and the band must keep on playing, Right? What really happens when the music stops? The pain of being human can only be remedied by ONE. At this time I only need the ONE and ONLY…. JESUS. -Daniela


Part 4 of 4…Salvation vs Singleness

Last installment of this series…. ENJOY

On the eve of my birthday. I find myself struggling to put things in perspective. I am fighting to adjust my spiritual lens.

One question popped into my mind:

Am I more focused on my singleness than my salvation?

These questions followed:

What is  my present focus?

What are my  needs ?

What do I want?

What is God’s will ?

I know you’ve asked yourself these questions too…

God’s will for our lives should govern all our steps, daily. Being in tune to His will ensures our victories in life.

Our free will should be persuaded by our love for God. Our relationship with Him and our practice of His word.

These questions also popped in my head:

How much focus am I placing on my salvation?

Am I more worried about being boo-ed up than working on my character?

Am I so wrapped up in my loneliness that I fail to seek solace in Christ?

Do my desires drive me to forsaking all God’s plans for my life?


I was kinda disappointed with my answers. But there is hope!



1 Corinthians 2:9 But as it is written: “Eye has not seen, nor ear heard, Nor have entered into the heart of man The things which God has prepared for those who love Him.”

I heard it in the Brian Courtney Wilson song “Worth Fighting For” and it is shifting my whole outlook.

God has plans for me. Salvation is worth Fighting for. Because Christ Fought and Won the Ultimate Battle over sin!

God knows and loves me. He love you and knows you well too.

He wants to save us. He wants to bless us.

Let’s allow God to write our story. Let him write our chapters on love, contentment, purpose, etc. Everything is relative to our salvation,hence No status should overshadow our goal of it. He knows what’s coming and knows what’s best. PLUS…

the happy ending is Heaven.

Let’s never lose sight of this.

Let us make an impact on Earth

Through God’s Love.

Heaven Awaits




If you want to suggest my next topic. just comment below


Follow me on IG@danieladazzle


Here are some upcoming events I am planning

March 31-Vison Board Workshop

May 7- Christian Poetry Night- The Black & White Affair

June 4- HWC Ministries-Sign Language Concert






Part 3 of 4…Fear NOT!


Fear can be like being in a headlock. I’ve never been in one, but from what I’ve seen on TV they look pretty painful.

As singles, many fears keep us bound .Bound to the point that we can miss out on what is just within our reach…. BLESSINGS.

Don’t get me wrong, fear doesn’t discriminate. However, I want to address some fears that I believe are notorious amongst singles.

Here are some common fears:

  1. “I feel it is close to being too late for me to find the love of my life.”
  2. “I feel anxious when I think about being single forever.”
  3. “I need to find a partner before I’m too old to have and raise children.”
  4. “If I end up alone in life, I will probably feel like there is something wrong with me.”
  5. “As I get older, it will get harder and harder to find someone.”
  6. “It scares me to think that there might not be anyone out there for me.” 
  7. “I don’t make enough money, I’m not where I should be, no one will accept that”

     8.” I will never find my ideal type”

  1. “ I fear settling because there maybe something better out there, I don’t want to miss out”
  2. “I fear of the unknown, being single is safer”


Fear and its buddy “The Flesh” are the dynamic duo that keep us bound most of the time.

Our fears often lead us to gratifying our flesh because we don’t believe that God can fulfill our desires.

Check out these cool verses:

*Delight yourself in the Lord, and he will give you the desires of your heart. Psalm 37:4

*He fulfills the desire of those who fear him; he also hears their cry and saves them. Psalm 145:19

*You will seek me and find me, when you seek me with all your heart. Jeremiah 29:13

We must Fear God. Respect Him. Honor Him. Trust Him. Rely on Him.

It can be a challenge to relinquish our fears to God.

But what do we have to lose?

Worry, stress, ignorance, stubbornness?

Let it Go

As singles we may fear that we are not good enough. Let’s not believe the lies of the Enemy.

Instead let us be better in Christ. Explore the World and Fight to be whole individuals.

The largest room in life, is always the room for improvement. So Pray, find a mentor or coach. Make the necessary steps to strengthen your God given purpose and personality.

Be Bold in Christ. FEAR NOT

In whom we have boldness and access with confidence through our faith in him. Ephesians 3:12





I’m Hot…Right? Part 2 of 4

Excuse the delay guys…

Genesis 1:27 So God created man in his own image, in the image of God he created him; male and female he created them.

I am sure this verse relates to the character of Christ. God wants us to reflect His character and virtues. The question remains “What about the physical?”

Proverbs 31:30 reminds us that “Charm is deceitful, and beauty is vain, but a woman who fears the Lord is to be praised”. Beauty is fleeting and fading. Character should be our focus. Yet I can’t help but giggle when I read Genesis 29:17 “Leah’s eyes were weak, but Rachel was beautiful in form and appearance.”

I am going on a spiritual journey to better develop my character. Recently someone told me that one of the reasons I might still be single is because I’m an “Adventist Amazon” and that the right tall guy who is extremely spiritually grounded will eventually come and sweep me off my feet.

I laughed.

1 Samuel 16:7 Quickly came to mind, “But the Lord said to Samuel, “Do not look on his appearance or on the height of his stature, because I have rejected him. For the Lord sees not as man sees: man looks on the outward appearance, but the Lord looks on the heart.”

Too often do we focus on being and finding the right physical match that we neglect to look at the person’s character. Or sometimes we are so caught up in staying cute & GQ, that our characters decay like a rotten banana forgotten in a lunch box on a summer day in Miami.

Galatians 5:16 But I say, walk by the Spirit, and you will not gratify the desires of the flesh.

For those singles that wanted to eventually find a mate, let’s stop using the “People who want me I don’t want and those that I want don’t want me” excuse. Sounds like a bad twist of Rom 7:19.

For Isaiah 11:3 states“ And his delight shall be in the fear of the Lord. He shall not judge by what his eyes see, or decide disputes by what his ears hear

One of my friends recently coined the term “facially blessed”, this reminded me of Genesis 39:6 “So he left all that he had in Joseph’s charge, and because of him he had no concern about anything but the food he ate. Now Joseph was handsome in form and appearance”.

It is fair to say that some Christians are hot. Yes I said it, HOT! God took extra time shaping and molding their features and character.

1 Samuel 16:12  “And he sent and brought him in. Now he was ruddy and had beautiful eyes and was handsome. And the Lord said, “Arise, anoint him, for this is he.”

People like Samuel and Joseph had it going on, while ladies like Leah seem to have gotten the shorter end of the stick. Yet the Bible reminds us in John 7:24 “Do not judge by appearances, but judge with right judgment.”

Meditate on these verses:

~Having the glory of God, its radiance like a most rare jewel, like a jasper, clear as crystal. Revelation 21:11

~You are altogether beautiful, my love; there is no flaw in you. Song of Solomon 4:7

We all have precious characteristics that make us unique in the sight of God. And no matter what shape you’re in self-acceptance is crucial. Short or tall. Big or small we are all beautiful creatures of a sovereign God.

I praise you, for I am fearfully and wonderfully made. Wonderful are your works; my soul knows it very well. Psalm 139:14



BIG ANNOUCEMENT: Let’s Match| SINGLES Conference is coming to MIAMI this summer! More details to come



IG @danieladazzle    TWITTER: SDAdiva305



PART 1 of 4 …Single & Scheduled

To all my single people out there I want you to focus on one thing.

Project YOU.

With the slew of engagements, weddings, new bundles of joy and anniversaries , its quite possible to start having a “what about me attitude”.

 Everyone is in pairs venturing into new depths of love while we singles help with AY and Adventurers.

It just doesn’t seem fair does it?


Well since life isn’t fair,let’s move forward. We must engage ourselves in some real soul searching. Daily praying to God and seeking His direction through scripture and meditation.

 You must keep your focus on something that is higher and greater than you.

Easier said…But it’s worth a GOOD try. Our sanity is at stake.

Invest in yourself and love the people around you.

Plan ahead and stay prayed up.

I’m kinda glad the holiday season is over… but wait here comes Valentine’s Day.

Darn, not out of woods just yet.

In all seriousness, Let guard our minds and thoughts with words of affirmation, scripture and positive music.

It’s hard out here for a saved single in South Florida. It’s a constant roller coaster ride. But though there are many lows, there are still many Highs.

I had a very very very busy weekend. Rehearsal with my Sign Language Ministry, Rehearsal with Mass Choir. Supported a friend at his concert. Attended a jazz concert. Hosted a vision board workshop , shopped for toiletries for women’s shelter and had some quiet time at the beach.

I did most of these things alone and that can take a toll.

But God was with me. Affirming and assuring me the whole while.

What a friend, lover, companion and confidant I have in Jesus.




See you next week…. Part 2 of 4 “I’m Hot…Right?”

SN: See you at LOVESTRUCK|A Night of Corporate Worship |FEB 13. All my lovestruck singles REPRESENT (more info to come)




follow me on IG @ Danieladazzle or Twitter @sdaDIVA305



January 16 Convocation of Churches: South Florida Edition @Northside SDA Church
January 22-23 Youth Convocation@ Orlando, Florida
January 29-31 VERB: Young Adult Arts Retreat@Camp Kulaqua

February 6 JAVA: Christian Poetry Night
February 13 LOVESTRUCK: Night of Corporate Worship 7PM
March 15 Kirk Franklin Concert@Jackie Gleason Theater
April 13-19 BAYDA: Youth & Young Adults Congress Virginia Beach,VA


It’s been awhile.

Happy New Year

The new year is on to an interesting start. I am excited to see what it brings.

Lots of new things

New friends, new business ventures, new ministry opportunities, new look. All great things but they are all paired  with new trials, new enemies and new challenges.

For the next 4 weeks. I want to share my thoughts on the topic of being Sassy, Savy,Skilled, Single and Seventh-day Adventist, all while in South Florida.

Yes lots of S’s that will keep you tongue ties.

I am embarking on a NEW Journey of self- discovery .

Who wants to join me?

The gloves are off and this should be interesting

See you next week




Single & Seventh-day in South Florida


Are you still alive?

Alive and Kicking
I want to thank my good friend KRJ, for encouraging me to take come back to cyberspace. Back in February I vowed to keep the post coming but Life happened and this blog became a forgotten teddy bear at the train station. But after rummaging through the lost and found bin here we are for another go around.
There have been numerous adventures since we last spoke and I really don’t know where to begin.
Here is a brief recap of some major events:
March-Celebrated my birthday
April- Free Gospel Sundays featuring Israel Houghton
June- Visited Ft. Lauderdale SDA
July -Lost My Grandmother
August-Singles Retreat in Tampa

As we look forward to the month of September. The passing of Pastor Cesar Robinson , Southeastern Conference Youth Director was quite heart wrenching. Such a vibrant soul and pioneer in our community. His Legacy will live on.
My health hasn’t been the best for the last few months and I just want to encourage you to remember the old adage that life is a “precious” gift.

Here is a sneak peak at my coming adventures
September Youth Federation Sept 19-20
October Trip to DC

If you want a recap of any of the past month’s adventures listed above. Please leave a comment.
Till next time remain. Blessed Bold and Adventurous

Check out my new page on fb:
